Information Technology FAQ

Username: ________________________ Password: _________________________

Each student is assigned a distinct login and password. It is strictly prohibited to utilize someone else's password or disclose one's own password. Students are advised against sharing their passwords with anyone, and those who opt to do so bear full responsibility for any consequences resulting from unauthorized use of their account.

(Internet and Network Acceptable Use Policy 7.2, Section B6.)

What is my username? 

Your username is you first initial, your last initial, and your student ID number. For example, the username for student John Smith with Student ID 0123456 would be js0123456.

What is my password? 

Your initial password will be your capital first initial, lowercase last initial, your 6-digit birth date, and ends with "_RCCstu!". For example, the initial password for student John Smith born on February 14, 1988 would be Js021488_RCCstu!

What is my email address? 

Your email address is your For example, the email address for student John Smith with username js0123456 would be [email protected]

When can I use my account? 

It takes upwards for four hours after your registration process is complete and accepted before your account becomes available.


All passwords are set to expire every calendar year.




How do I login to Course Access? 

Step 1 – Visit

Step 2 – Select the Quick Links menu on the home page and select Course Access. On the Course Access (Open LMS) login page, click on Login at the upper right-hand corner and enter your email address, password, and Multifactor Authentication (MFA) information. 





**You will not be able to login to Course Access if you have not registered for classes. ** 

How do I Access Self-Service? 

Step 1 – Visit 


    Visit – Quick links – Self Service

Step 2 – Select Login for Access – Enter your email, password, and MFA

How do I Access E-Mail? 

Step 1 – Visit 


    Visit – Quick links – Email

Step 2 – Enter your email, password, and MFA

What if I forgot my password? 

Step 1 – Visit and follow the prompts. 
**This will only work if you previously enrolled into Multifactor Authentication**