Open your App Store on your phone
Search for "True Talk Plus" or "truetalk+"
Find the App and Make sure the icons look correct
After the install Open the App from the icon on your phone's home screen
Log into your extension:
Username is your 4 digit office extension followed by (example [email protected])
Password is what you set when you setup your phone. Not the same as your campus account password. If you forgot it you can use a forgot password link to reset it. If you have problems contact the IT Helpdesk and we can assist
Allow notifications
Allow Contacts or not (This is personal preference)
You may get prompts to allow the Microphone and a few others once you place your first call.
To make your cellphone app ring when your office extension rings click on the browser in the bottom right of the app or use a PC to go to the Phone Portal page (https:\\
Click on the Answering Rules button in the Ribbon
Click on the pencil icon to the far right of the row for rules
Check the box for Simultaneous ring and then add your extension in. When you do it will give you a drop down menu that will show you any phones on your extension (note there may be entries for WebPhone, the old Tips Mobile App, etc) Choose the one you want to add in my case the one with am at the end of it.
This along with the Include user's extension check box option will ring both my office phone and my True Talk+ app on my Android phone.