Faculty/Staff - First initial of first name capitalized, first initial of last name lowercase, last six digits of SSN, "_RCCemp!"

Example - Employee name: Bruce Wayne, SSN: 123-45-6789, Password: Bw456789_RCCemp!

Students - First initial of first name capitalized, first initial of last name lowercasesix-digit date of birth (MMDDYY), "_RCCstu!"

Example - Student name: Clark Kent, Birth date: April 1st, 2003, Password: Ck040103_RCCstu!

NOTE: If the above default does not work for you, try the old default password format, which is the same, but doesn't include "_RCCemp!" or "RCCstu!". (Example: Bw456789 or Ck040103).